Unanswered Questions
Philip Greenspun's Homepage
Philip Greenspun's Homepage Discussion Forums
: Unanswered Questions
Pilots Needed for Study on Meteorological Weather Displays
Gliding in Baja
rich and lean mixture
R22 and R44 Special Tools
Can you identify this early aviator?
need help with design of light aircraft glass cockpit
Part 135 Certificate
difference between pylons
FADEC for the PT6?
Aircraft call signs changed by tower?
State of aviation software recommendations
Goodyear 505 Tires on a Christen Eagle
i want to fly like this. how many hour untill thes skills
cirrus auto pilot
1.Gas turbine engine RPM 2. condition to maintain same altitude for increase in engine thrust.
Raven ll w a/c overheating
Anyone experienced with G500 or G600?
Latex class for kneeboard printouts
FAA mtg tonite on GPS WAAS in Bedford Civ Term
Cessna 206H Stationair - Icing
DA40 weight/balance
And you thought President Obama's visit to MVY was bad for local aviation...
Does interior noice for single/twin/tp really matters?
Enhanced Vision Systems (EVS) (Night Vision)
formulas for performance calculation